Better Health Clinic - A patient portal for the better

This was the final project assigned by the Google UX Design Certificate program. I was given the task to create a mobile app and responsive website for the public good. Better Health Clinic's patient portal would allow patients to check in to their appointments by filling out a health screening. They would be able to do this on-site at the clinic or from the comfort of their car while they wait to be called in.













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The goal was to create an easy way for patients to check in with age and health conditions kept in mind. Patients find it tedious to check in especially if they frequent appointments. The creation of both a mobile and web version was essential for users to check in on their own or through a clinic's computer.


The mobile app and responsive website allows users to check in either as a new or returning patient. They are instructed to fill out a health screening and choose their form of payment. They are able to check in from the clinic or their car and wait for their appointment.


Research & Analysis: I conducted user interviews to create user personas and gain more understanding of the pain points. I also did research on creating appropriate health screenings in order for users to feel comfortable disclosing that information on an app.

Wireframing: I wanted to create a user flow that was short and easy for patients to check in without feeling overwhelmed. I also wanted medical staff to get all the information they need in order to create a smooth appointment process.

Usability Testing: Users found it easy to use and read. Some slight changes were made to the boxes on the health screening forms.

Visual Design & Prototyping: A carousel was added in order for patients to look through the doctors' information. I used the mobile first approach, so not much was changed to the website version. I created the logo with Canva and chose a color scheme that was neutral yet still appealing.

The health screening format was created during the paper wireframes stage. I also wanted to create less frames for the web version to make it even easier for elderly users that may struggle with technology.

Users are called to action with the check in button as the focus. I added an accessibility bar as well in order for all users to be able to navigate. The feature of returning patients was created here too.

Users are called to action with the check in button as the focus. I added an accessibility bar as well in order for all users to be able to navigate. The feature of returning patients was created here too.


This felt like a meaningful project and I learned a lot about creating designs for those who may have disabilities or medical conditions that make it difficult for them to use certain apps or websites. I also learned the importance of UX research especially for an app for medical purposes. It was a great way to finish the program and receive my certification.

Link to prototype